The schimmel of Sinterklaas
is a very patient horse.
It has to be on a boat
from Spain to The Netherlands
and it doesn't even get seasick!!!

It waits patiently
untill it can go on land.
To find there a sheering crowd
that comes very near
touches it and the Sint.
And most of the time
it doesn't even get nervous!
Something only well trained
policehorses can do.

Because the horse of Sinterklaas
is such a lovely horse
many children loose their natural freight
of such a huge animal.
Apart from that, the schimmel also
watches for the safety of the Pieten en Sint.
Not many people know that.
and I guess that not many Pieten
are aware of this.

When something is not alright
it scratches with its hoofs
on the cobblestones
or makes high noises.
Thus getting the attention of the people
and ending the dangerous situation.
During the day
it has only a few breaks.
For instance when Sinterklaas is interviewed.

Or when others are eating.
The Schimmel is well treated
by Sinterklaas and the Pieten alike.
Children put carrots in their shoes
and a little water besides them
to thank the schimmel
for all it's efforts.
And be sure....
all carrots are eaten.

When slowly the dusk covers the earth
Sinterklaas, the Pieten and the schimmel
are preparing
for a long night.
They take presents with them
up on all roofs
to deliver them to the children.
The schimmel carries the Sint
or the sack
or both.

It has to walk softly
as the children are supposed to be at sleep
and stay asleep.
Luckily most of the time
the moon shines bright and the schimmel can see
where to put it's hoofs.
On the other hand
when the moon shines
there is a larger chace
of getting discovered
because the white horse
catches all the light.

In that case
Sint steps down
and hides part of the schimmel
behind his cape.
Ofcourse that's a funny sight.
So when the moon shines bright
and you hear laughing in the night
at this time of the year,
you'll know
it's Sinterklaas and his Pieten
who have a good laugh!

Many say
that the horse has magical qualities.
There are many tales that tell
that the horse can fly.
I have never seen it myself,
but I'm well aware
that no Piet and not even Sint
ever denied that.
All I know
is that I feel safe at night
when I hear the soft shuffling sounds
on the roof
and hear the pieten